2015-2016 Touring Season ends with critical acclaim
Aeroplan miles helped us perform in 9 different provinces

As we wrap up our 2015-2016 season, we look back fondly to our highly successful run of Sleeping Beauty, our new production made possible by the generous donation from Margaret and David Fountain.

In October 2015, we premiered Sleeping Beauty, the 199th original ballet in our repertoire of Canadian works. Since then, we performed Sleeping Beauty in 31 cities in Canada and the United States, and our interpretation of this classic earned critical acclaim and was a box office success. As per our tradition with all our major productions, we worked with young dancers at every stop on the tour. By the end of our Sleeping Beauty tour, we have worked with over 400 young dancers across the country with this production alone.  For more information about our travels this season, please see our seasonal report at  http://issuu.com/balletjorgencanada/docs/cbj_season_report_2015-2016

Your aeroplan miles helped us reach all corners of this country and beyond, thank you for believing in our vision to connect communities with dance! 


Posted by: Ballet Jörgen Canada on May 6, 2016.
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