Creation date: November 7, 2011
Thanks to our supporters
Each year, the Air Canada Foundation donates millions of Aeroplan points to 15 pediatric hospitals across Canada to help sick children reach medical care.
Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of these children.
Each year, the Air Canada Foundation donates millions of Aeroplan points to 15 pediatric hospitals across Canada to help sick children reach medical care.
Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of these children.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Good health and well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
News and updates
When Norah was 10 months old, her parents learned she had a permanent genetic condition: cystic fibrosis. Since her diagnosis, Norah and her mother have had to travel more than 750km four times a year between their home in northern British Columbia in Prince George and the BC Children's Hospital...
Read moreJacelynn has always dreamt of standing on her own two feet. For this, she travelled from Nova Scotia to Montreal for a surgical intervention called selective radicellectomy at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. This intervention had to be followed by an intensive six weeks of rehabilitation at the...
Read moreThank you to the Air Canada Foundation, which, through the Hospital Transportation Program, for over two years, has allowed us to traverse the 500 km connecting Abitibi-Témiscamingue to Montreal seamlessly. For eight-year-old Mélia, who was diagnosed with leukemia in...
Read moreLuke was born with an uncommon medical condition that affects his muscles and joints and requires us to travel frequently to Vancouver to see his specialist. We are so grateful to the Air Canada Foundation for the help they have provided with travel costs, as well as the kindness and...
Read moreIt’s hard for Brittany, the aunt of five-year-old Jaxon, to recall a time that his family remembers him being fully well. After suffering from a complication during his birth, he spent 11 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of his local hospital in Saint John, NB. As time went on Jaxon’s mom...
Read moreThanks to our supporters