How Aeroplan helped CPAWS seize the conservation opportunity in Canada
Your donated Aeroplan Miles made this meeting possible

The Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society has just emerged from a week-long meeting with the directors of its 13 chapters across Canada. The opportunity to protect nature in Canada has never been bigger and the next three years are critical. That’s why gathering our brightest minds and experienced conservationists was so critical.

We’ve developed a plan on how we will work with provincial, territorial, indigenous and federal governments across Canada to get from protecting 10% of our land (where we stand today) to 17% by 2020 – and set a course for beyond 2020 towards what nature needs. Your donated Aeroplan Miles made this meeting possible.

CPAWS has gained a reputation for doing more with less. Countless people have told us that we ‘hit above our weight’. We’ve led in the protection of over half a million square kilometres in just over 50 years because we’re good at planning for outcomes and finding conservation solutions to difficult problems.

Conference calls and Skype are all very useful for touching base and following-up, but they cannot replace the in-person visits and conversation with conservation partners like indigenous and local communities, forest companies and decision-makers. When you’re working to protect public land (which is 90% of Canada), relationship-building is key. Trust needs to be built over time and you can’t build solid relationships over the phone the way you can when you’re sitting face-to-face.

One recent example: CPAWS has been working with forestry companies, provincial and indigenous governments on protecting areas like the Saskatchewan River Delta near the community of Cumberland House. The latest plan is gaining traction and we may see a large new protected area in the 10,000 square kilometre area.  

Thank you to all the donors that have participated in the Aeroplan member donation program. As we gear up towards our 2020 goal, donors are invaluable partners – whether they volunteer, donate funds or provide their hard-earned Aeroplan Miles. These are all important ways we’re making a difference each and every day.

If you’re interested in helping CPAWS achieve its 2017-2018 Aeroplan Miles goal, please visit our page

On behalf of all of us at CPAWS, thanks to all the donors for being such great partners!

Posted by: CPAWS Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society on June 5, 2017.
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