News from RAVEN - time to celebrate!
"Quashed is an old, old Squamish word for 'told you so'." ~ Khesilem

Hello brilliant Indigenous Allies!


WOW! Pull Together ~ The courts quashed the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline! What a win for Coldwater Indian Band, Tsleil Waututh Nation, Squamish Nation and Secwépemc Nation!!!! What a win for the Salish Sea!! Canada’s Federal Court of Appeal has upheld the Indigenous rights of Free, Prior and Informed Consent - oh - and for full disclosure of environmental impacts as well. The tremendous representation that these nations had in court is in large part because of your financial backing. Thank you RAVEN Allies!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you!


“A decisive victory from the Federal Court of Appeal...In short, this is a decisive win for First Nations and Aboriginal Rights. It clearly upholds the fact that Canada cannot run roughshod over those rights, making decisions that ignore or dismiss the concerns of Indigenous Peoples. They also held very clearly that the National Energy Board and the Review Process was flawed in the fact that they illegally excluded marine shipping from their review and through doing so excluded the opportunity to address the impacts on southern resident orca whales. On almost every ground, this is a victory. The construction must stop. The underlying certificate and approvals are now nullified.” ~ Eugene Kung, Staff Lawyer with West Coast Environmental Law, and with the Tselil-Waututh Nation’s Sacred Trust Initiative


Yea!!!!!! For more info and a deeper dive on the connection between RAVEN’s mandate and this outcome, check out ED Susan’s blog here.

  With thanks for all your support, The RAVEN team
Posted by: RAVEN (Respecting Aboriginal Values and Environmental Needs) on September 6, 2018.
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